I know I promised you that my next post would be the professional pics of my work… But finally I changed my mind. I think it’s enough with “me, myself and I”…
So I’ve decided to give you a topic. I had many doubts before writing this post, because I don’t like to pretend to be the teacher or the “smart one” but I will try just to tell you my opinion on this and express myself… Besides, this is the purpose of a blog, isn’t it?
So the topic today is the “Fashion victims”.
I was inspired from a conversation I had with Shermin about how we used to see fashion before studding it and which is our vision about it now. I will be totally honest with you. I used to be a fashion victim as well. And I can say I still am sometimes… And now when I look behind I am just laughing at myself. It looks so silly to be totally in brands dressed and have 8726786178416714 logos on your outfit…
Ok, I admire designer’s work of course and I appreciate good quality goods but everything in a balance don’t you think? Why for example all the “fashionable” people have to hang the same handbag? And even if you want to spend a fortune on it (which I totally understand you) why don’t you try to find something less common than a “Louis vuitton” bag? Why all of us have to have the same look because someone has chose it for us??? And why for example we have to pay something a fortune which is the simplest thing ever, just because of the creator’s name??? I keep telling you that I totally understand this need because I have it as well. But what about our individuality? Where is the WE finally to this “Trend” game between very few people?? Who creates the trends? And who is he to tell me what to wear and what not, and if I am “in” fashion or not?
Specially on that I have to tell you that I’ve met in January a lady who worked for a “bureau de tendance” (the teams who create the trends) in Paris because I worked for her and while she explained us the trends for the summer 2011 she mentioned that one of these was her 10 years old daughter who helped her to create it… Can you imagine? A 10 years old girl (I have nothing against 10 years old kids) created a fashion trend just because she had the luck to be the director’s daughter. And based on that, many of the grate creators will make clothes according to this trend and later millions and millions people will buy these things… So a 10 years old girl just decided what are you going to wear two years before you wear it…
I gave this example just to explain you how silly is all this game and how pointless is to get on this trap. Try to clear mind regarding what you really like to wear and what you think you like just because of the good promotion of some very clever people or because of what the “life style” commands you. I am trying to do this every day and I don’t always succeed it…But I’ll keep trying…
I would appreciate your comments and your opinion around this topic, which I am really interested in…
Ps: I would also appreciate if my dad (who paid all these years this weakness of mine) doesn't mention his opinion :p